Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I love it when a plan comes together

The A-Team's Hannibal might have been talking about plans involving Mr. T, explosives, and battles against gangs of evil-doers, but that feeling of elation when things work like they're supposed to is pretty nice regardless of the setting.

Our journal website seems to be working!  In fact, it's working even better than I had anticipated (I managed to trouble-shoot the issue-ordering problem so now issues are listed chronologically as they should be).  I have uploaded almost all of the old content (just a few book reviews left to go).  The site seems ready for action.  There are still a couple of details missing (e.g., I have to list the journal's associate editors and their subjects of specialization) but these are just details.  The site works!

I will announce the website very soon, after I verify a few more things are working fine.  This is a very exciting time to be associated with our journal.  And I can't help but get excited about the future prospects of natural history study in general.  I'll write more some other time about the general down (and now up I think) trends of natural history study in North America - for now I have some website work to do!

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