If you are one of the two people who follow this blog (hi Mom!) then you'll know I've spent a lot of time, frustration, and drinks setting up a new website for CFN. Well, it's done*. Go see the website for yourself.
We've also published a new issue (volume 125 issue 1) that represents the first issue published by our new Editor-in-Chief Dr. Carolyn Callaghan. There is some excellent natural history research in this issue, but it deserves its own blog post so I'll let you read it yourself and then I'll write a post soon telling you how awesome some of the research is (e.g., killer loons ... I'm not even kidding!).
* The site is not fully done, and likely never will be. Good websites are constantly improving, and ours is no exception. I have a long list of things I intend to set up over the coming days/weeks/months that should improve the experience for readers, journal volunteers, reviewers, editors, and authors. The items highest on my to-do list will affect authors, editors, and reviewers - online manuscript management. What could go wrong?